Welcome to Satyh.com

Our platform is designed to help you make informed decisions while shopping. Price history allows you to track price changes and make purchases at the best time to save money. Our seller rating system ensures you don't run into scammers. A list of similar products will help you find the best deal. Satyh will be useful not only for individual buyers, but also for dropshippers who need to find reliable dropshipping products. Our catalog contains more than 300,000 items in 1,500 categories and over 25,000 brands.

Featured brands

Our service will be useful for such groups of buyers:

  • Dropshippers looking for great deals from trusted sellers for their stores
  • Men and women who are interested in fashion and want to shop for the latest clothing styles and accessories
  • Travel enthusiasts who need high-quality luggage and bags for their trips
  • Tech-savvy individuals who are interested in electronic components and supplies, including hobbyists and professionals
  • People who are looking for stylish and functional watches to wear for different occasions
  • Shoe enthusiasts who want to stay on top of the latest trends and find the perfect pair of shoes for their needs
  • Students, teachers, and office workers who need education and office supplies to stay organized and productive
  • Parents who want to shop for their children's needs, including clothing, toys, and education supplies
  • Homeowners who want to improve their homes and need tools, lighting fixtures, and home improvement products
  • Computer users who need reliable and high-quality computer components and office equipment
  • Sports enthusiasts who need high-quality sports gear and equipment
  • People who want to shop for affordable and fashionable jewelry and accessories
  • Individuals who want to improve their health and beauty and need personal care and beauty products
  • Car and motorcycle enthusiasts who need high-quality tools and accessories for their vehicles
  • Cellphone users who want to shop for the latest cellphones and telecommunication devices
Currency USDEUR